Witch apprentice course

145 x 205 mm, 188 pages,

The witches in the world

170 x 240 mm, 192 pages,

Encyclopedia of Magic

170 x 240 mm, 318 pages.

Rituals of white magic

Rituals of white magic

140 x 205 mm, 164 pages.

The letters of the witches

143 x 206 mm, 128 pages.

The magic power of candles (magical ritual)140 x 205 mm, 160 pages.

The candles. Influences and powers

170 x 240 mm, 224 pages

Wiccan Magic. History, rites, ceremonies

170 x 240 mm, 192 pages

Magic and prestidigitation

170 x 240 mm, 478 pages.

Magical animals

170 x 240 mm, 160 pages

The extraordinary world of ghosts

170 x 240 mm, 144 pages

Great manual of tricks and magic

170 x 240 mm, 284 pages

Las ciencias ocultas

148 x 200 mm, 

124 pages.

The occult sciences from A to Z

170 x 240 mm, 252 pages.

Enter … the powers of parapsychology

145 x 205 mm, 96 pages.

Entre en… los secretos del viaje astral

145 x 205 mm, 88 pages.

The fallen angel

170 x 240 mm, 

192 pages.

The cards of the planets

110 x 170 mm, 160 pages.

Los secretos de la reencarnación

145 x 205 mm, 90 pages

Enter … the mysteries of numerology

140 x 205 mm, 94 pages.

Enter … the world of radiesthesia

145 x 205 mm, 94 pages.

Enter … the prodigious world of dreams

145 x 205 mm, 96 pages.

Enter … the mysterious world of palmistry

145 x 205 mm, 

96 pages.

Palmistry: discover the future

105 x 155 mm, 338 pages.

Palmistry. Practical guide to read the hand

115 x 167 mm, 190 pages.

The keys of the amulets

170 x 240 mm, 144 pages.

The Keys of Esotericism

170 x 240 mm, 208 pages.

The keys of spiritualism

170 x 240 mm, 120 pages.

The keys of esoteric symbolism

170 x 240 mm, 158 pages.

The cards of the planets

110 x 170 mm, 160 pages.

The book of superstitions

170 x 240 mm, 158 pages.

The sixth Sense

140 x 205 mm, 146 pages.

The secrets of reincarnation

170 x 240 mm, 192 pages.

How to remember your previous lives

140 x 205 mm, 140 pages.

Beyond life

140 x 205 mm, 190 pages.

The extraordinary power of the Mandala

170 x 240 mm, 158 pages.

The great practical book of parapsychology

170 x 240 mm, 252 pages.

Encyclopedia of mythology

170 x 240 mm, 320 pages.

Pandora’s box

145 x 205 mm, 164 pages.

The occult sciences

125 x 190 mm, 286 pages.

The subtle bodies of man

143 x 206 mm, 122 pages.

Your dreams speak of your sexuality

145 x 205 mm, 140 pages.

The secrets of the Dead Sea manuscripts

155 x 240 mm, 156 pages

Look at the stars

170 x 240 mm, 204 pages.

Nostradamus – Prophecies from today until the year 2200

170 x 240 mm, 190 pages.

Astrological forecasts until 2050

170 x 240 mm, 206 pages.

Paracelsus, doctor-alchemist

147 x 240 mm, 142 pages.

How to predict the future with the letters of the Sibyl

170 x 240 mm, 144 pages.

Magia y prestidigitación

170 x 240 mm, 284 pages.

The mystery of the crop circles

145 x 205 mm, 168 pages.

The path of the Druid

115 x 167 mm, 190 pages.

The extraordinary world of the paranormal

143 x 206 mm, 158 pages.

The enneagram

140 x 205 mm, 168 pages.

Hypnosis and self-hypnosis

143 x 206 mm, 176 pages.

The pendulum. Find lost objects and enjoy guessing

155 x 155 mm, 80 pages

The Runes. Consult the ancient oracle

155 x 155 mm, 144 pages.

Practical guide to morphopsychology

125 x 176 mm, 248 pages.


140 x 205 mm, 192 pages.

Graphology manual

170 x 240 mm, 190 pages.

The secrets of dreams

170 x 240 mm, 254 pages.

The new numerology: Practical Guide

170 x 240 mm, 256 pages.

Medium and mediumship

143 x 206 mm, 208 pages.

The grail Myths and symbolisms of the Search

170 x 240 mm, 124 pages.

Encyclopedia of esotericism

170 x 240 mm, 288 pages.

Automatic writing course

140 x 205 mm, 188 pages.

Astral projection

115 x 167 mm, 188 pages.

Love, sex and astrology

143 x 206 mm, 224 pages.

Introduction to astrology

140 x 205 mm, 144 pages.

Universal astrology

164 x 240 mm, 604 pages.

Book of dreams. Know yourself through your dreams

155 x 155 mm, 304 pages.

The great illustrated book of dreams

170 x 240 mm, 286 pages.

Interpret your dreams yourself

130 x 200 mm, 172 pages.

The children of the dream

210 x 250 mm, 46 pages.

The great book of dreams

140 x 205 mm, 446 pages.

Guide to interpreting dreams

140 x 205 mm, 128 pages.

Dreams: interpret and direct them

145 x 205 mm, 208 pages.

How to interpret dreams to win the primitive and the bonoloto

170 x 240 mm, 320 pages.

The divination letters of dreams


The intuitive tarot of the 21st century

145 x 205 mm, 160 pages.

Express Tarot

145 x 205 mm, 254 pages.

The Egyptian Tarot

110 x 160 mm, 224 pages.


The tarot to predict the future

115 x 167 mm, 192 pages.

Enter … the secret world of tarot

145 x 205 mm, 90 pages.

The tarot

103 x 156 mm, 160 pages.

Las cartas adivinatorias del karma

110 x 170 mm, 158 pages.

Los templarios

115 x 167 mm, 188 pages.

Cómo recordar los sueños

120 x 180 mm, 124 pages.

Magic Box. Tricks and illusions!

155 x 155 mm, 128 pages.

Magia en caja. Trucos e ilusiones

155 x 155 mm, 128 pages.

De Vecchi / DVE

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